Brood care is highly developed, as in most Cichlidae. All Apistogramma species spawn in caves, typically under rocks or in holes in sunken logs or branches. A number of breeding strategies exist. Some species breed in polygynous harems, while other species form monogamous pairs. In most cases, reagardless of the breeding strategy, the female is more highly involved with brood care, whilst the male defends a territory from predators. The sex of the fry is affected by the water conditions, with warmer and softer water favoring more males.
All Apistogramma species are micropredators. Their main prey items consist of insect larvae, fry of other fishes and other invertebrates.
Aquarium care
Apistogramma are popular aquarium residents, particularly in community or planted aquariums. These fish are quite peaceful, and won't attack fish from any other genus unless they enter their territory. In the Amazon, Apistogramma inhabit soft acidic water and require similar conditions in the aquarium. Many Apistogramma species are very sensitive to changes in water chemistry. Apistogramma are best kept in species tanks with plenty of cover (in the form of plants and driftwood). Although popular, Apistogramma species are not recommended for inexperienced cichlid hobbyists.